Thankfully we’re not like your ex. We actually reply. Talk dirty clean to us
The GOATs of Customer Service:
We don’t wanna gloat (we totally do + pun intended) but our customer service team are the OG GOATS.
Here for the great, the not-so-good and the “ahhh shit, I put the wrong address in”, our team goes grazey for your messages.
Chomping at the bit to get your hoofs hands on your daily dose of confidence and your everything shower’s MVP? We’ve got you. Get your order number (it’ll look something like: xxxx) and email ready & get trackin’!
Frequently asked questions
Start live chat
What's a drop and why am I waiting?
Drops are our *limited quantity* monthly product releases, trust us… you’ll froth them.
Umm, have you ever tried to rush a goat? You can’t. We’ll launch when our goats say so.
Unbothered, why should I care?
Maybe because of the skin firming & thirst-quenching Shea Butter from Ghana?
Or the skin-smoothing & scar-reducing Himalayan Pink Salt Powder from Pakistan?
We could go on…
When we said the world’s best premium artisan ingredients, we meant it. And they’re all frothing to get up close & personal with your body.
When should I use Goat Milk Soap?
Every. Single. Day. Do yourself a favor & replace that mass-produced, chemical-filled bottle that’s sucking the moisture & glow from your skin as we speak.
Oshun’s Goat Milk Soap is the perfect pre-skincare for your skincare routine.
It froths all skin types and is literally made for moisturizing, hydrating & exfoliating while being hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory & safe *exhale*.
You’ll be feeling all kinds of bare skinned & beautiful before your next bar arrives. Oops, did we say that out loud? 👀
How can I skip the line?
I want to be a skinfluencer
Join our self-love revolushun here.
(We’re a 100% filter & photoshop free brand - accepting real people with real skin only)

Media & PR Peeps
Seen us? Herd us? Like us? Wanna chat with us? You’ve goat it.
Warning: We’re not your average soap brand. We’re confident, unapologetically opinionated & go where no other soap’s ever gone before. Whether we’re spreadin’ the love (to our planet & our community), dropping pep-talks with an extra* dose of confidence or ruffling feathers (& fur) dishing the dirt on the things big brands don’t want you to know, we’re all for keeping it real. Lather the troops, we’re ready for our close-up.

Want to be a real skinfluencer?
Apply here (100% filter & photoshop free - accepting real skin only)