Using Goat Milk Soap for Laundry Detergent: Why You Should and How to Do it

Goat Milk Soap for Laundry Detergent

When you’re on the search for a natural soap to do your laundry with, you want to find something that is gentle on your clothes, skin, and the environment. There’s no need to expose yourself or your family members to harsh toxins, chemicals, and dyes that are often present in standard laundry soaps, as there are amazing options out there that tick all your boxes. 

One such soap is goat milk soap! You may already be aware of how great goat milk soap for eczema and other skin conditions is, but you’ll be happy to find out this same product is also a fantastic choice for the wash. 

So if you want to use goat milk soap for laundry detergent, you’ve come to the right place. Throughout this post, we will cover why you’d want to use goat milk laundry soap and provide you with a goat milk laundry soap recipe you can use at home. 

The Problems With Traditional Laundry Detergent

As we already mentioned above, there are some concerns that people have with traditional laundry detergent–and rightfully so. Here are some of the main issues that we have seen with this standard choice. 

Harmful Ingredients: Environmental and Health Concerns

For starters, traditional laundry detergent is full of harmful skin irritants, carcinogens like formaldehyde, toxins like chloroform, and other substances like benzene. These additives have been linked to grave illnesses like leukemia, hormone disruption, and respiratory issues, among other ailments. But, they are largely unregulated and don’t have to be disclosed by the detergent manufacturer. 

When you wash your clothing, bedding, and towels with traditional laundry detergent, these harmful chemicals get absorbed into the fabrics and released into the air, so you and everyone else in your home is breathing them in unknowingly.

Not to mention, nearly everything in your home that touches your skin is washed in detergent at some point, so if you already suffer from skin issues like eczema or psoriasis, your symptoms could be further aggravated by the irritants in the detergent. 

Plus, as this detergent-laden water gets washed down the drain and pumped back into our ecosystem, this only adds more pollutants and chemicals into our water supply that is then recycled and used in other places. 

Performance Issues: Does Traditional Detergent Really Clean Well?

On the practical side, you may not even be getting the best wash out of your traditional laundry detergent. Although cosmetically it may appear like your whites get whiter, your brights get brighter, and your clothing smells fresher with traditional detergent, this may not tell the full story about what’s being done to the fabric. 

Even if things look and smell better than they did before you threw them in the wash, they may not be getting all that clean. Plus, as we discussed above, the harmful chemicals and fragrances that are used to achieve this outcome are leaving much more than dirt and grime on your clothes once they come out of the wash. 

For a true clean that leaves your clothes free from toxins, dirt, and oils, without leaving anything else behind, you may want to consider an alternative. 

Can I Use Goat Milk Soap in Laundry Detergent?

You may know about all the great reasons to use goat milk soap for psoriasis and other serious skin conditions. So, this may lead you to think that it could be a good replacement for your traditional laundry detergent. Let’s explore this idea in more detail below. 

First, What is Goat Milk Soap?

As the name might suggest, goat milk soap is a soap that’s made out of goat’s milk. In the saponification process that is used to create soap, goat milk soap can be used instead of water for a richer, more nourishing, and hydrating soap. 

Full of lactic acids, natural fats, and other important vitamins and minerals, goat milk soap offers a gentle cleanse without any of the artificial ingredients that other soaps generally have. Many people are surprised that goat milk soap is antibacterial as well, among its other fantastic properties. 

Benefits of Using Goat Milk Laundry Soap

There are tons of benefits of goat milk soap when used directly on your skin, so there should be no surprise that it’s also a great choice for laundry soap, too. Especially when comparing goat milk soap vs regular soap for laundry purposes, there really is no comparison!

Goat milk soap is gentle on fabrics, meaning it won’t break down the fibers of your clothing with harsh chemicals, dyes, or fragrances in the formulation. It's easy on the skin, unlike other types of soaps, and it’s a natural and environmentally-friendly choice that you don’t have to feel guilty about using!

Drawbacks of Using Goat Milk Laundry Soap

Even with all the benefits, there are some potential disadvantages to using goat milk laundry soap, namely that it is more expensive than its synthetic counterparts. But, you really are paying for the quality you receive, so people who make the switch and feel the difference firsthand don’t have a problem with paying more. 

In addition, it may be hard to find a quality formulation for goat milk laundry soap out there. There are many options available, but it can be hard to tell which soap maker has the best goat milk soap for laundry. 

So, Should I Use Goat Milk Soap for Laundry Detergent?

After considering all the points so far, it’s pretty easy to see why you would switch to goat milk laundry soap. The benefits we’ve described far outweigh the disadvantages, especially when compared to the disadvantages of traditional detergent. 

Thousands of people have made the switch, and you can too. After trying it out, you’ll quickly notice that your clothing actually comes out cleaner, without any overwhelming fragrances or harsh additives that can harm your health. 

So, you may start to look for a quality formulation so you can start using it immediately, or you may want to learn how to make goat milk laundry soap on your own, which we’ll now describe with step-by-step instructions. 

How to Make Goat Milk Laundry Soap: Recipe and Instructions

We will now provide you with a goat milk laundry soap recipe that you can make right at home. You may be intimated by all the steps when learning how to make goat milk laundry soap, but the benefits that you can get from this product make the process worthwhile. 

Ingredients You'll Need

To get started, here are some of the ingredients that you’ll need to gather: 

  • Get a bar of goat milk soap from our catalog
  • Washing soda
  • Borax
  • Essential oil of your choice (optional)

Grate the Goat Milk Soap into a Cup

Once you have all the items on hand, you can get to work! First, grab the bar of goat milk soap and start grating it into a cup or bowl. This will make the soap easier to work with when you add in the rest of the ingredients, and allow you to add it to a load of laundry with ease!

Mix the Other Ingredients in

After you have grated the bar of goat milk soap, you should add in all the other ingredients from the above list. Make sure you mix everything together evenly so you end up with a good distribution of each ingredient in your finished product. 

Tips for Using Goat Milk Soap for Laundry Detergent

If you want to use goat milk soap for laundry detergent, make sure you read through the following tips for the best results. 

How Much Should You Use Per Load?

The amount of goat milk laundry soap you use depends on how soiled the clothing is. In general, you can aim to use about 1-3 heaping tablespoons of your homemade soap, which you can easily add into the wash basin as you would with any other type of soap. 

If you’re using a front-load washer, you will need less soap to get an effective clean. These types of machines run on less water, so adding too much soap may leave you with a goopy mess. 

Storage Recommendations

Make sure to keep your soap mixture in a dry, cool place to avoid any potential issues with the goat milk soap. This means keeping it out of direct sunlight, and areas with a lot of humidity. This can break down the soap more easily and make it not as effective. 

So, it’s best to keep your homemade soap in a container with a lid where it can be stored safely in your laundry room between washes. 

Safety Protocols for Making or Using Goat Milk Soap

If you utilize the above goat milk laundry soap recipe or find one you like somewhere else, make sure you’re using quality goat milk soap from a trusted source. If you use a soap that has a sub-par formulation, you may not get the amazing results you’re after. 

Additionally, it is possible for both children and adults to have an allergy to goat milk. So, using the product may cause unwanted irritation if you’re unaware of this. To avoid any potential issues, be sure to spot-test the soap first before you wash all clothing and bedding in the house with it. Although this is rare, it’s still something to watch out for. 

Bringing Our Conversation on Goat Milk Laundry Detergent to a Close  

Using goat milk laundry soap is a great replacement for traditional laundry detergent. Better for your skin, the environment, and your clothing, there is no debate about which of these products is the better choice. 

If you decide to learn how to make goat milk soap for laundry at home, make sure you’re using quality goat milk soap from our storefront. We are a trusted seller of goat milk soap, and our products offer the gentle, natural, and eco-friendly clean for your clothing that you’ve been looking for. 

Our products have been used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, meaning we have the best soap for bacterial vaginosis, the best goat milk soap for rosacea, acne, and a wide variety of other skin conditions. Visit our storefront to pick up a bar of soap so you can make the detergent switch today!

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